Sunday 25 May 2008

Pet Shop Boys could rescue ill-fated Bond theme

With two car crashes occurring on set already and fans declaring it the "worst Bond title ever", will Quantum of Solace finally catch a break when it comes to its theme song? Bizarre's Smart Gordon gives us the latest this morning, citing rumours that Amy Winehouse will still be recording it even though Mark Ronson has given the project the thumbs down. Never fear, Amy dear, Pet Shop Boys have offered their services. "She's got a few things to sort out first but we like her very much," Neil Tennant told Smart Gordon, while the other one stood silently behind him. "Technically, she's a great singer and we've got one or two tracks that would really suit her."

Smart says that Amy's involvement is still conditional. "Bond movie chiefs want Amy for their assignment but if her track is not up to scratch, or they fear she'll taint their brand, they will turn to one of her several rival acts." We assume this means her musical rivals and not those in terms of column inches. In which case there's really only one contender: Leona Lewis and the Pet Shop Boys? Stranger things have happened.

The Mirror's 3am team brings us the story of an unlikely friendship between all-round nice guy Mike Tyson and Madonna. The retired boxer and the still-very-much-active singer apparently hit it off in Cannes, where she is screening a documentary about Malawi called I Am Because We Are. "Mike, who was surrounded by a bevy of babes half Madonna's age, sent them all packing so he could listen to her talk about the poverty-stricken African country." 3am claims Tyson, who is also the subject of a documentary in Cannes, was so moved he pledged money to the orphans with AIDS who feature in her film and this has reportedly earned him serious brownie points with Madge.

"Madonna thinks Mike is amazing and asked if she could have a private screening of his documentary, Tyson, while she was in the Riviera." This is the documentary in which Tyson opens up about his conviction for rape in 1991, and she's after some alone time? There is such a thing as "doing too much" for charity, Madge.

Music mogul Simon Cowell recently told an interviewer that he used to wear his mum's make-up as a kid, but apparently this wasn't an attempt to alert his parents to certain transvestite tendencies. The Sun reports: "I didn't like school, so I had a trick - I put my mother's white make-up on. I'd get a cup of tea, put it on my head and tell my parents, 'Not feeling well, feel my temperature.'" We can't imagine Mr and Mrs Cowell found it difficult to give in to their son's pleas, no schoolboy who smears their face with foundation of a morning could ever claim to be sound of mind.

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